Sunday 3 February 2019

Another Victory Park Walk

It was such a beautiful day, and I am really trying to spend more time walking, so had a wander around Victory Park. There was a new bench to commemorate the fallen of the borough in the 100 year anniversary of the end of WW1, and also a new tree for the same purpose. I thought this was a lovely idea, sorry that I missed the dedication back in November.

There were some fabulous shadows to be photographed, thanks to the strong sunlight. I walked back via the station path and stopped in the newly refurbished garage for a coffee, which I took back to the park and drank on the new bench, basking in the late winter sunshine.

Saturday 24 September 2016

The Mortuary Again

Having enjoyed doing a bit of UrbEx again after such a long time, by visiting the local mortuary a couple of weeks ago, yesterday I decided to go again. For the photographs on this occasion, I used the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone, choosing a different lens and film combination for every picture. This is easily achieved by selecting the 'shake to randomise' button in the settings, which means all I have to do is shake my phone and the lens and film change. Saves having to keep making decisions! 

As per my usual style, I was going for a lot more of the smaller details as opposed to the bigger picture.

I felt oddly uncomfortable while I was there, far more than the previous visit. Found myself constantly looking over my shoulder, feeling as if I was being observed. This time I didn't venture into the darker parts of the building, and left quite quickly when the feeling just became too strong.

The door had been newly boarded up since my previous visit, and newly opened by somebody else, so they are obviously keeping an eye on the place.

This initially gave me a horrible shock when I first glimpsed it, I thought it looked like a hideously deformed skeletal foot - shows where my mind was going at the time.