Monday, 31 December 2012

Walk in the New Forest

These are some shots to show the extent of the flooding near the river at Sandy Balls, although if you haven't been here it may not mean that much! But the river had burst it's banks and completely flooded the surrounding water meadow and fields, and I have shot this using the newest lens and films from Hipstamatic, the Tinto 1848, C-Type Plate (colour) and D-Type Plate (B&W), for the perfect vintage look, plus a couple of my other favourite combinations as well.

This was a strange carved tree trunk which I had not seen before, because when Mark and I do this walk we always go along the river path, but this was completely submerged due to flooding so we had to make our way along inland instead.

This is the water meadow, now living up to it's name and quite deep in water. Mark managed to go a greater distance than me, as he was wearing wellies not walking boots, but he said he would need his waders to go any further than he is shown in the photograph!

A couple of friendly horses in a field that we passed, who were very grateful for the long grass that Mark pulled up from the verge and fed to them!

A rather nice dog waiting patiently in the back of a farm Landrover.

Very bad potholes!

Another hungry horse trying to eat holly - Mark leant a hand. I would have thought that holly was too prickly to eat, but evidently not.

I thought that this was a nice touch :)

Mr Gnome in the ford. BTW I call him that because I reckon that he looks like a gnome in that hat.

The alpaca farm. Loved these curious creatures with their beady black eyes and fluffy coats.

I liked this. In the pub The Fighting Cocks for a well earned pint after the walk.