Tuesday, 31 August 2010

August Bank Holiday Weekend

Mark and I headed down to the NF on Friday lunchtime, hoping to avoid the bank holiday rush, in order to spend the long weekend at Sandy Balls. Traffic ok, nothing too horrendous, and we had our customary walk down to the river when we arrived.  Wore our wellies given how much it has rained in recent days, but it wasn't too soggy and I ended up with very hot feet wishing I'd worn sandals instead!

Iridescent green beetle

Mark by the river

This poor horse was being driven mad by flies, he 
was constantly nodding his head - felt very sorry for him

Mr B getting down and dirty with Nature ...

.... and giving a tree some love

Me with hot feet

Mark photographing the trees

The light was beautiful here

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  1. Viv,
    Nice... You are right..the lighting is great. AND, I had no idea how hot your feet were...!!!

  2. Love the green beetle and forest light. And your 'hot feet, and not entirely happy about it' expression ;)
