Sarah, Keith and Phil hard at work
My prints and Mum's paintings
The rather nice mugs at the gallery
Bernadette manages to keep smiling!
A short film of busy, busy, busy in the gallery
Mum - the face says it all
Bernadette packing up Mum's sold painting.
Here is a little film of her in packing action, complete with sound
effects and lots of caffeine
My last print solitary on the wall
Boxed up and good to go
Mum and Bernadette - running out of energy fast!
Stairs up to the gallery
The lobby of Riverhouse Arts
Now will all this fit into my tiny sports car?
(Miraculously yes, it does)
The programme we featured in
B is ready for the rain
The ornate iron gate at the gallery - shame I didn't photograph
it when the sun was out i.e. any other day this week
B doing her best 'Worn Out' face
Related posts:
For 360 panos of the gallery and exhibition by Mark Blundell