Monday, 28 June 2010

Hot Day at Biggin Hill Airshow

Mark and I visited the Biggin Hill Airshow on Saturday, a gloriously hot and sunny day, and had lots of fun with our cameras taking photos of vintage vehicles, large/small planes and Plane Geeks (of which there were, unsurprisingly, a large number), before sitting on the grass in the throng and watching the aerobatics display.  Mark may have had a little nap at one point, lying in the sun, but then he was out UrbExing in a high place in central London on Friday night and only had four hours sleep, so I think that was allowed ....

Mr B getting all excited at the sight of the aeroplanes

... and the helicopters too .....

Lovely old fire engine, with a crank handle to start it

This is actually me and Mark reflected in part of a car!

Three generations?

There were hats of all shapes and sizes on display!

There were quite a few children wearing ear defenders,
to protect them against some of the nosiest planes

Mark's feet, from our patch on the grass

Mark wearing my hat

Cider, and yes, it's my feet!

These reminded me of angry mosquitos,
squaring up for a fight

Small boy, large gun

The Red Arrows

Watching the display

Comparing "Twisters"

My Gorgeous BF

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Friday, 25 June 2010

Beauty Ensnared

Beauty Ensnared, originally uploaded by Viveca Koh LRPS.
My most recent textured shot, taken at Potters Manor House. I love photographing insects, but I fear that dead ones do hold a special attraction for me, especially when caught in spider's webs...

Monday, 21 June 2010

Father's Day

Headed over to Dad and Susan's on Sunday for lunch, day didn't start very promising weather-wise but did brighten up so it was really sunny when I arrived.  We had champagne on the patio and Dad opened his presents (a B&W self portrait of me and the "Top Gear Alternative Highway Code"), and then at lunchtime we sat in the garden in-between each of the three courses to make the most of the sun!

Dad (who is actually awake, he just happened to blink)
and my "Little" Brother Alistair

Dad, Alistair, Susan and Archie

I had to get my feet in there somewhere!

Archie leaping at reflected sparkles on the wall

That's worn her out (for about ten seconds)

Testing to see how close my LX3 would go

"Drat, I appear to have drunk my champers"

Blokes in Shades

Alistair by the new pond

Dad "resting" in-between lunch courses

Family portrait

Susan trying to photograph Archie (it's very hard,
the latter is rarely still for more than a nanosecond)

My "Little" brother's ENORMOUS feet next to mine

Alistair's three guitars and amp

Alistair showing me how fab games look on the PS3
(and they do, and I want one)

The dog finally zonks out .....

.... but not for long!

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